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The current version of AnCoraPipe only works on Windows. Once you have downloaded the file tbfeditor.rar, you must install Java, and then follow the installation instructions for your system.

Installing Java

The AnCoraPipe annotation tool was written in Java. To run it, you need to install first the Java Runtime Environment (freely available for download from the Sun web site: JRE Version 1.5 or later is required.

Installation for Windows

Download the program from

  1. Unzip the file tbfeditor.rar in a directory.
  2. The directory contains a file named “TBFEditor.bat” which is the Java executable that launches the graphical interface. Double-click on this file to run AnCoraPipe.

If it doesn’t work...

  1. Check the content of the file named “log.txt” which is in the directory where you have downloaded the program.
  2. If it begins with the line

"java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/ub/tbfeditor/ui/TBFEditor
(Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)"
It is possible that your Java version is older than 1.5.

    1. Try to get a later version.
    2. If the error is not resolved, it is likely that the program does not find the right path to the new Java version. You should find its executable (which is usually found in C:\Program files\ Java\jre1.5... The executable (java.exe) is in the directory named “bin”.
      1. Copy the path to the executable.
      2. Edit “TBFEditor.bat”.
      3. The last line is: java -Djava.library.path.....
      4. Insert the path before java, everything in inverted commas. The line should read: "C:\Program files\Java\ jre1.5.0_04\bin\java" -Djava.library.path="." -classpath.....
      5. Don’t forget the inverted commas before '"C:' and after '\bin\java"'.
      6. Save “TBFEditor.bat”.
      7. Double-click on the file to check that it works.