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Maite López-Sanchez
Professora Titular
Personal investigador
Línia de recerca
Intel·ligència Artificial
Dept. Matemàtiques i Informàtica, UB
+34 934 03 71 54



    Almajano Pablo, Maite López-Sánchez, Inmaculada Rodríguez, Anna Puig, Maria Salamó, M. Ribera (en premsa). 'Training Infrastructure to Participate in Real Life Institutions: Learning Through Virtual Worlds'. Handbook of Research on 3-D Virtual Environments and Hypermedia for Ubiquitous Learning.  IGI Global.

    Baldeón, Johan, Maite López-Sánchez, Inmaculada Rodríguez, Anna Puig (2016). Gamification of Multi-agent Systems Theory Classes. Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Springer, Vol. 10003: 172 -183, Netherlands. ISBN: 978-3-319-46839-6.

    Rodriguez-Aguilar, Juan A., Marc Serramia, Maite López-Sánchez (2016). Aggregation operators to support collective reasoning. Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence (MDAI). Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (Springer-Verlag) LNAI, vol. 9880:1-12.

    Salamó, Maria, Inmaculada Rodríguez, Maite López-Sánchez, Anna Puig, Simone Balocco, Mariona Taulé (2016). 'Recurso docente para la atención de la diversidad en el aula mediante la predicción de notas'. ReVisión, 9 (1): 37-53 (AENUI). ISSN: 1989-1199.


    Almajano, Pablo, Maite López-Sánchez, Inmaculada Rodríguez, E. Mayas (2015). 'Including Conversational Agents into Structured Hybrid 3D Virtual Environments'. IEEE - Latin America Transactions (IEEE-LAT), Vol.: 13 (3). ISSN 1548-0992.          

    Bourazeri A., Pablo Almajano, Inmaculada Rodríguez, Maite López-Sanchez (2015). 'Assistive Awareness in SmartGrids'. The computer after me. World Scientific, 2014, pp. 117-130. ISBN: 978-1-78326-417-9. 

    Grau, Sergi, Ramon Reig, Anna Puig, Maite López-Sánchez, Inmaculada Rodríguez (2015). 'Games4Learning: How to integrate serious games to personalized learning itineraries?'. Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, pp. 17-2.

    Morales, Javier, Maite López-Sánchez, Juan Antonio Rodríguez-Aguilar, Wamberto Vasconcelos, Michael Wooldridge (2015). 'Automated Synthesis of Compact Normative Systems'. Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems (en premsa). ISSN 1556-4665.

    Morales, Javier, Iosu Mendizabal, David Sánchez-Pinsach, Maite López-Sánchez, Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar (2015). 'Using IRON to Build Frictionless On-line Communities AI Communications'. IOS Press, Vol.: 28 (55-71).

    Morales, Javier, Maite López-Sánchez, Juan Antonio Rodriguez-Aguilar, Wamberto Vasconcelos, Michael Wooldridge (2015). 'Synthesising Liberal Normative Systems'. Proceedings of the fourteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2015, Core A conference) Istambul, Turkey, pp. 433-441. SBN 978-1-4503-3413-6.

    Morales, Javier, David Sánchez-Pinsach, Maite López-Sánchez, Iosu Mendizabal, Juan Antonio Rodriguez-Aguilar, Michael Wooldridge, Wamberto Vasconcelos. 'Extending NormLab to spur research on norm synthesis'. Proceedings of the fourteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2015, Core A conference), pp. 1931-1932, Istambul, Turkey. ISBN 978-1-4503-3413-6.

    Rodríguez Inmaculada, Anna Puig, Sergi Grau, Maite López-Sánchez, Montserrat Escayola, Johan Baldeano (2015). 'Gamification of Elementary Math Learning: A game designer rol-playing experience with kids'. Proceedings Gamification 2015gEducation in GWC2015 (poster), Barcelona, Espanya.

    Rodríguez-Aguilar, Juan Antonio, Carles Sierra, Josep Lluís Arcos, Maite López-Sánchez, Inmaculada  Rodríguez (2015). 'Towards next generation coordination infrastructures'. Knowledge Engineering Review,  Vol: 30(4), Cambridge, USA. ISSN: 0269-8889.

    Rodríguez, Inmaculada, Anna Puig, Maite López-Sanchez (2015). 'The Education District. Un entorno virtual 3D para el aprendizaje y la gamificación de actividades educativas'. Comunicación y Pedagogía. Realidad Virtual y Educación., pp. 287-288. ISSN: 1136-7733.

    Salamó, Maria, Inmaculada Rodríguez, Maite López-Sánchez, Anna Puig, Simone Balocco, Mariona Taulé, Jordi Rodríguez (2015). GradeForeseer: Recurso docente para la predicción de notas del alumnado de informática. Canaleta, X., A. Climent i L. Vicent (Eds.) Actas de las XXI Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática, Jenui-2015. 89-96. ISBN: 978-99920-70-10-9.


    Almajano, Pablo, Maite López-Sánchez, Inmaculada Rodríguez, Tomas Trescak (2014). 'Assistant Agents to Advice Users in Hybrid Structured 3D Virtual Environments'. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol.: 25 (3-4): 497-506, England. ISSN: 1546-4261.

    Almajano, Pablo, Inmaculada Rodríguez, Maite López-Sánchez, E. Mayas (2014). 'Conversational Structured Hybrid 3D Virtual Environments'. XV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 63:1-63:8, ACM, Tenerife, España. ISBN: 978-1-4503-2880-7.

    Almajano, Pablo, Maite Lopez-Sanchez, Inmaculada Rodríguez, Tomas Trescak (2014). 'Assistant Agents to Advice Users in Hybrid Structured 3D Virtual Environments'. The 27th Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents,CASA 2014, Houston (USA).

    Bourazeri, A., P. Almajano, I. Rodriguez, M. Lopez-Sanchez. Assistive Awareness in SmartGrids. The computer after me. World Scientific (UK),  pp. 117-130. ISBN: 978-1-78326-417-9.

    Morales, Javier, Maite López-Sánchez, Juan A. Rodríguez-Aguilar, Michael Wooldridge, Wamberto W. Vasconcelos. (2014). 'Minimality and Simplicity in the On-line Automated Synthesis of Normative Systems'. Proceedings of the 13th international conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems, AAMAS '14 (Core A conference), Paris, France, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 109-116.

    Morales, Javier, Iosu Mendizabal, David Sánchez-Pinsach, Maite López-Sánchez, Michael Wooldridge, Wamberto W. Vasconcelos (2014). 'NormLab: A Framework to Support Research on Norm Synthesis' (Demonstration). Proceedings of the 13th international conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems, AAMAS '14 (Core A conference), Paris, France, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, pp. 1697-1698.


    Benítez, L., Escudero, G., López, M., Rigau, G., Taulé, M. (1998) 'Methods and tools for building the Catalan WordNet', Proceedings of the ELRAWorkshop on Language Resources for European Minority Languages at Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, (LREC'98), Granada.

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