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01 - December - 2021

Talk about Coreference Resolution with Marta Recasens, a Research Scientist at Google., about the complexity involved in resolving references in language, the simplification of the problem that the NLP community has focused on by talking about specific datasets, and the complex coreference phenomena that are not yet captured in those datasets. They also briefly talked about how coreference is handled in languages other than English, and how some of the notions we have about modeling coreference phenomena in English do not necessarily transfer to other languages.

01 - October - 2021

Marta Vila has been awarded the University of Barcelona M.A. Special Distinction corresponding to the M.A. Expert in Spanish as a Foreign Language in Professional Environments and to the academic year 2007/2008. The award ceremony has been held on May 22 2013.

01 - June - 2021

The Blecua Prize 2011 for the best published work based on a doctoral thesis has been awarded to Marta Recasens Potau for the paper “

01 - June - 2021

Marta Recasens is currently carrying out her research in the Natural Language Group at Stanford University under the supervision of Dan Jurafsky.

01 - March - 2021

CLiC participates in the organization of 'Task 1: Coreference Resolution in Multiple Languages'  in the 5th nternational Workshop on Semantic Evaluations, SemEval-2010. The Workshop will be held in conjunction with ACL July 11-16, Uppsala.

01 - December - 2020

CLiC participates in the CONVIT (I Congrés de Serveis Lingüístics de Territoris de Parla Catalana)

M. Antònia Martí has participated in the Roundtable "Quin ha de ser el perfil del professional dels serveis lingüístics del segle XXI en relació amb les TIC?", together with: Xavier Arderiu, Rosa Colomer and Meius Ferrés. Moderator: Vicent Partal.

01 - November - 2020

CLiC participates in the Jornada del Processament Computacional del Català, celebrated the 26th of March in the Palau Robert of Barcelona.

M. Antònia Martí has participated in the Roundtable "Reptes del Processament Computacional del català",
together with: Mikel Forcada (UA), Joan Soler (IEC) and Toni
Hermoso (Softcatalà). Moderator: Vicent Partal (VilaWeb).

01 - October - 2020

Marta Recasens Potau has been appointed member of the EACL Student Board. 

01 - September - 2020

The 3rd of June 2009, Aina Peris  Morant received the First National Prize for students Graduated in Linguistics, promotion 2006-2007 ("Primer Premio Nacional Fin de Carrera de Educación Universitaria en los estudios de Lingüística en el curso 2006-2007"), awarded by the Ministerio de Educación, Política Social y Deporte,  and given by Secretario de Estado de Universidades, Màrius Rubiralta.