Name of corpus | Language | Sentences | Pairs/groups | Paraphrase phenomena |
MSRP-A | en | 7489 | 3900 | 22105 |
P4P | en | 1712 | 856 | 11420 |
WRPA-person | en | 3 | ||
WRPA-person-2 | en | 12 | ||
WRPA-authorship | es | 81101 | ||
WRPA-authorship-A | es | 411 | 1000 | 1329 |
Download P4P*, MSRP-A and WRPA-authorship-A
Download WRPA-person, WRPA-person-2 and WRPA-authorship
[*The P4P corpus presents different formats depending on the package (see README files).]