This corpus is an extension of the SFU Spanish Review Corpus (Brooke et al., 2009) with annotations about negation and its scope. It is a collection of 400 reviews of cars, hotels, washing machines, books, cell phones, music, computers and movies from the website. Each domain contains 25 positive and 25 negative reviews. Each review has been annotated at the token level with the lemma and the PoS and at the sentence level with negative keywords, their linguistic scope, the event and how the polarity of the sentence is affected by negation (if there is a change in the polarity or an increment or reduction of its value), also taking into account intensifiers and diminishers.
How to cite:
Martí, M. A., Martín-Valdivia, M. T., Taulé, M., Jiménez-Zafra, S. M., Nofre, M., & Marsó, L. (2016). La negación en español: análisis y tipología de patrones de negación. Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 57, 41-48.